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mexican military size

Mexican Military Size - Compared to their counterparts in the United States, the United States Navy and Marine Corps, the Mexican Navy is small—about sixty-six thousand. The Mexican naval infantry, their marine corps, was even smaller—only about eighteen thousand.

In contrast to the United States Marine Corps and the United States Navy, the main mission of the Mexican Navy is usually coastal protection, which in the United States would fall under the US. coast guard Supporting civilian populations after earthquakes or other natural disasters, defending oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, interdicting boat-born migrants, and interdiction by boarding and seizing boats and semi-submersible narco-submarines.

Mexican Military Size

Mexican Military Size

Despite their small size, they are a major force in the fight against Mexican criminal organizations involved in drug trafficking - widely trusted and seen as more reliable than the military. They also won a series of victories, despite being many times smaller than the Mexican army.

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For historical reasons, the American troops in Mexico were a taboo subject. A strong nationalist streak ran through the Mexican army. Resentment against the United States runs deep. For this reason, the Mexican military conducts little training in the United States.

The Mexican Navy was spared much of the humiliation the military suffered during the 1916–1917 American expedition to Mexico to capture Pancho Villa, or the American occupation of the Mexican port city of Veracruz in 1914. Because the Mexican Navy was based at sea, nor did the Mexican Navy suffer nearly as many losses as the Army during the Mexican-American War, which was largely a land conflict. As a result, militarily speaking, Mexico is one of the Latin American countries least connected to the United States.

Therein lies the reason for the Navy's reputation as an efficient and professional fighting force, unhindered by the deep-rooted corruption endemic in Mexico's government and military. "In the last 10 years, the UIN [Mexican Naval Intelligence] has become the most trusted Mexican intelligence service for the DEA and DIA," said Dr. Raúl Benitez-Manaut, a professor at the National University of Mexico, and an expert on Mexican security and defense issues. “The construction [of the fleet] is based on a lot of training in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Spain. It has civilian and military intelligence teams unlike the military, which is only military. "

Part of their success lies only in being based on sea, rather than land. Unlike the Mexican army, the Mexican naval infantry does not have extensive domestic bases, giving them some insulation from cartels—and opportunities for corruption.

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Because it is a significantly smaller branch than the Armed Forces, the Navy is stricter. Naval officers have a closer relationship with each other, as most are graduates of the Mexican Naval Academy. Closer personal relationships help prevent secret deals and backdoor cash - subjecting officers to random polygraph tests also helps.

Despite disagreements over tariffs and trade, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Defense Intelligence Agency have been able to cultivate close ties with Mexico.

Since the signing of the 2008 Mérida Initiative, a cross-border training and capacity-building cooperation agreement between the United States and Mexico, US-Mexico cooperation has increased, with a particular focus on the Mexican Navy and Naval Infantry. In a surprise announcement in 2009, the Navy moved to declassify all intelligence communications with the United States in an effort to maintain secrecy and prevent potentially dangerous leaks of information, further strengthening ties, even those that are silent .

Mexican Military Size

The relationship between the U.S. intelligence and the navy got the news in 2012 when an American diplomatic vehicle was shot up. with two CIA officers and a Mexican Navy captain. Two CIA officers were wounded. Mexican Navy officials played down the incident, aware that cooperation with the United States could hurt them at home, where they have less power in government than their military, with which they compete for funding and resources.

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Since the late 2000s, the mandate of the Naval Infantry has continued to expand, from exclusive coastal or deep-water operations, to include land missions inside Mexico, far from the blue.

The navy enjoys a high degree of confidence from the Mexicans. According to a recent poll conducted by a Mexican newspaper

, the Navy, with 69 percent, is the most trusted organization in Mexico. This confidence stems largely from the ever-increasing number of successful ground operations they have carried out since their expanded responsibilities.

"One of the most important achievements of the Naval Infantry was the dismantling of the criminal structure of the group Los Zetas, in the state of Veracruz, from 2008 to 2012," said dr. Benitez-Manaut. Unlike the Army, the Navy sought help from the United States and US Special Forces to hone their skills to improve the chances of mission success against various cartels and criminal groups.

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In addition to significant damage to Los Zetas, the Naval Infantry was responsible for the December 2009 death of drug kingpin Arturo Beltrán Leyva in Cuernavaca, less than 50 miles from the capital. Although it's 50 miles from Mexico's largest city, a major local military headquarters is even closer — just blocks away.

Two hundred Naval Infantry rappel from helicopters to a luxury mansion where "El Muerte" is partying. There they besieged the complex. In the ensuing battle, six cartel members, including Beltrán Leyva himself, were killed. A member of the Naval Infantry also died.

In Los Mochis, a city near the Pacific coast in Sinaloa, the Navy scored their biggest victory to date. The Navy and Marine Corps' most notable success was Operation Black Swan in 2016, the operation that led to the third and final capture of "El Chapo" Guzman. Black Swan was reportedly carried out in cooperation with US special forces, which would be evidence of the very high level of cooperation between the United States and the Mexican Navy.

Mexican Military Size

President López Obrador has made the creation of the National Guard, or Guardia Nacional, as it is known in Spanish, the centerpiece of his new security strategy, in which pacification in some form, as opposed to military force, will be used to end the war end. under drugs. Jbcd 2 Pack Mexico Flag Patches Mexican Flags Tactical Patch Pride Flag Patch For Clothes Hat Patch Team Military Patch

"The president has set the end of the war on drugs on January 31, 2019," Dr. Benitez-Manaut. "The navy is not included in the president's main effort in his new security strategy. Its most important members come from the military." Estimated by Dr. Benitez-Manaut that about 80 percent of National Guard members come from the military, mostly in leadership positions. Only 8 percent have a maritime background.

This raises serious questions about the effectiveness of the National Guard in the future, especially considering the widespread issue of corruption. When based on land, can the Mexican Navy and Naval Infantry maintain their reputation as a disciplined, effective rapid reaction force? Only time will tell.

Caleb Larson holds a Masters in Public Policy from the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy. He lives in Berlin and writes about US foreign and defense policy. and Russian, German politics and culture. The Army has a unified Special Forces Corps command consisting of three Special Forces Brigades, a High Command GAFE (Grupo Aeromóvil de Fuerzas Especiales) group, a GAFE group assigned to the Airborne Brigade and several Amphibious Special Forces groups.

The Special Forces Brigades consist of nine SF battalions. The First Brigade has the 1st, 2nd and 3rd SF Battalions, the Second Brigade has the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Battalions, and the Third Brigade has the 4th and 9th Battalions and a Rapid Intervention Force group.

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The High Command GAFE is a group of no more than 100 members specially trained in counter-terrorist tactics. They receive orders directly from the Secretary of National Defense.

Amphibious special forces groups are trained in amphibious warfare. They give the military special capabilities ashore.

The Navy has a special operations force called Fuerzas Especiales, better known as FES. Their specialties are indiscriminate warfare, assault, counter-terrorism and special reconnaissance operations.

Mexican Military Size

There is also another special forces unit called Batallones de Comandos Anfibios. These units perform special tasks for the Amphibious Response Forces (Marines). They are known to train alongside their American counterparts: the Navy SEALs, at the Naval Special Warfare Cter in Coronado, California. This article requires additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material can be challenged and removed. Find Resources: "Mexican Armed Forces" – news · newspapers · books · scholarship · JSTOR (March 2014) (Learn how and where to remove this template message)

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The Armed Forces of Mexico (Spanish: Fuerzas Armadas de México) are the military forces of the United States of Mexico. The Spanish crown established a standing army in colonial Mexico in the eighth century.

After Mexican independence in 1821, the military played an important role in politics, with army generals serving as heads of state.

After the fall of the Federal Army during the 1910-1920 Mexican Revolution, former revolutionary generals systematically reduced the size and power of the military.

The military forces of Mexico consist of two independent bands: the Mexican Army and the Mexican Navy. The Mexican Army includes the Mexican Air Force, while the Mexican Navy includes the Naval Infantry (Marine Corps) and the Naval Aviation (FAN). The Army and Navy

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