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russian military twitter

Russian Military Twitter - The Twitter logo is seen outside the company's headquarters in San Francisco, California, US, on January 11, 2021. /Stephen Lam/

Feb 23 () - Twitter ( TWTR.N ) said Wednesday it mistakenly suspended about 12 accounts posting about Russian military activity, and said the move was not the result of a bot campaign. Compiled or otherwise reported accounts. users.

Russian Military Twitter

Russian Military Twitter

"We have been actively monitoring emerging stories that violate our policies, and in this case, we have taken enforcement action against several offending accounts," a Twitter spokesperson said in a statement. "We are quickly reviewing these actions and have already restored access to a number of affected accounts."

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A Twitter spokesperson said the wrongdoing was based on its rules against manipulated and manipulated media.

Ukraine declared a state of emergency on Wednesday and told its citizens in Russia to flee, as Moscow began moving its embassy from Kyiv in the latest alarming signs Ukrainians fear a Russian military attack. Read more

Twitter's chief communications officer, Yoel Roth, tweeted that the company was closely investigating the incident but said multiple reports were not the cause. "We don't start automatic enforcement based on the number of reports, ever, because of how easy that game would be," he said.

Technology reporter based in New York, covering social media companies and their impact. Previously based in San Francisco and London, he worked in the digital, graphics and analytics teams and covered the 2020 US presidential election. He was part of the reporting team that won the Gerald Loeb, Scripps Howard and SABEW Best in Business Awards. After two weeks of fighting, one of the most troubling issues is the ineffective planning that has so far dominated Russia's offensive operations.

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The famous Russian convoy, which is a kilometer long, is stuck in the northwest of Kyiv in one of the many cases of poor behavior. Although many Russian military experts rightly attribute these shortcomings to poor combat planning, unpreparedness of the forces, and technical failures, the effectiveness of the Ukrainian forces must also be considered - they made a strong and tactical resistance aimed at disrupt the device. and defense lines. Russia. communication, and noteworthy results.

Against this background, the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces (SOF) are emerging as an important part of the strategy of the Kyiv government to stop the continuation of Russian aggression by increasing its human and material costs. through a combination of guerrilla tactics, mobile defense, and advertising. those attacks.

Russian Military Twitter

Ukraine's decision to establish the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) as a special service branch came in late 2015 after a series of military sieges in the southeastern Donbas region, where separatists backed by Russia took advantage of the weakness of the military structure and lack of preparation. Ukrainian forces have taken over many areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which in the summer of 2014 were declared "Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR).

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This painful experience and the continuing threat of Russia pushed the political leadership in Kyiv to begin an ambitious restructuring of the national army. The 100% increase in Ukraine's defense budget between 2015 and 2020, from $2.96bn to $5.92bn (about 4.1% of GDP), gives an immediate impression of this reform, which aims to modernize Ukraine's military and improve their ability to set priorities. key areas such as command and control, maintenance, training and skills, operational planning, and investment in new weapons.

These efforts have been supplemented by strong support from Western countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and many European countries in the form of financial aid, security sector reform (SSR) programs, and many other programs. shield cooperation in the form of the 2016 NATO Comprehensive Assistance Package for Ukraine.

Ukraine's Special Operations Command, which includes about 2,000 enlisted personnel in seven special operations ranks divided into the army and navy (this does not include the country's intelligence service, the SBU), is among the main targets. of Western aid. Ukrainian special forces regularly participate in NATO military exercises, including all the latest editions of the Joint Resolve exercise, and in bilateral and international training programs involving NATO and non-NATO countries. not. A secret US-led program for Ukrainian special forces units was also launched by the CIA in the US in 2015. The aim was to create a highly skilled force unlike its Soviet-trained predecessors, which was designed to to develop insurgent tactics. and "kill Russia", as one trainer put it.

This extensive cooperation is said to have greatly improved the cooperation and capabilities of SOF in Ukraine, in 2019 the 140th SOF Center in Ukraine became the first ever non-NATO unit to receive NATO SOF certification, and is entitled to to be deployed under the umbrella of the Army. , and more support. Chapters expected to join the club soon. Organization level training also provided access to advanced equipment, including advanced night vision goggles, portable real-time surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), and communication equipment, which greatly improves the effectiveness of Ukrainian SOF. highly competitive areas. Since 2016, Ukraine's SOF has grown into the vanguard of a renewed national army that, just two years ago, was described as a "destroyed army" by its military chief who was unable to field 1,000 soldiers. fully trained and equipped. 200,000 workers on the books.

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Although the Ukrainian SOF was established in the context of operations against irregular separatist units and a hybrid threat from Russia, in recent years their role has undoubtedly changed as part of the country's preparation for a conventional conflict with Russian forces. . Given the long-standing and proven military buildup across Ukraine, a Russian attack was expected, although it turned out to be unlikely. Still, the available evidence suggests that the Ukrainian SOF is working very well against the enemy - at least on paper - it enjoys high power and high explosives.

The reason is not only the high level of professionalism compared to most of the Russian forces that have so far participated in the invasion, but also the ability to work at night and the poor tactics of Russia, which proves the great lack of coordination - even. group level - and combined weapon movement capabilities.

The SOF of Ukraine confronted the Russian troops who were advancing in the neighborhoods of Kyiv, especially Bucha, Irpin and Hostomel, and there were six casualties. In other areas, they maintained a "low" profile and participated in irregular battles and operations behind enemy lines to attack the rear of equipment, as well as supply convoys and outposts of Russia such as the Chornobaivka airfield, near the occupied city. Russian Kherson.

Russian Military Twitter

SOF units represent a strong force and provide special skills in Ukraine that are designed to fill important gaps in key military areas, while frontline personnel and heavy equipment units are the mainstay of the regular army. But as Russia adjusts its tactics and pours new men and equipment into Ukraine, Ukrainian SOF may be engaged in a more conventional war against a less heavily armed enemy.

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Although there are no reports of SOF casualties (unlikely), the conflict will take its toll as the conflict continues, with major consequences in terms of unit replacements and replacements at highly selective recruitment levels. Despite their flexibility, if the conflict continues at its current pace, Ukrainian SOF is at risk of being depleted within weeks.

In anticipation of the need to continue a long-term resistance war against the occupying forces, Ukraine's special forces are likely to use tactics based on active/mobile defense to buy time. - like now - especially when combined internally. an extraordinary struggle going on throughout the country, the aim of which was to exhaust the enemy with people and property. This includes the smart movement of SOF units across Ukraine, keeping internal resistance at bay, and ensuring they continue to have access to Western equipment and intelligence.

Although the invasion has not yet started for three weeks, the Russian aggression already has lessons related to military plans, and it gives lessons to Western countries, especially European countries, about the need to restart the defense. an important and important part of foreign policy.

When it comes to special operations forces, these developments make it necessary to reassess - and perhaps balance - their role, taking into account the potential use against a peer enemy in a highly competitive and competitive environment. integrated, but also to ensure that these forces have their differences. nature.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, January 14, 2023

Despite the clear evidence of Russia's poor military performance in Ukraine, NATO's conventional war will certainly be different in terms of Russia's military commitment, and significant confrontations may occur in dynamic situations where SOF is to prepare for the use of tactical strategies. but also an integrated approach based on advanced technology and cyber warfare aimed at shutting down adversaries before they can respond.

Frederico Borsari is a Leonardo Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis (), NATO 2030

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